What students are saying.
"XploreNations, for me, is a place of divine meeting. The leaders, the people, and the teaching always invites the presence of God and He always shows up. It is a place that will send you off changed, so you can go into the world and make a change."
— Mieckalah
"All of the staff and Instructors at XNBC are the Christians you always hear about but never really see. The way everyone emulates Jesus and endeavors to follow His Word really saves peoples lives. Thank you for believing in us and doing everything you do. It does not go unseen."
— Camren
"Having been a part of the charter class of XNBC I have had the opportunity to watch, over several years, God shape and mold the college to become what it is today. This is not a place to just enroll to gain more knowledge, you are joining a family, a community of people that God has connected you to further the Kingdom, and those connections will last you a lifetime."
— Gretchen
"I was introduced to Xplore Nations Bible College when I attended a women’s event & met JudiJo Adams. She announced an open house for XNBC. The church I attended after leaving Bible School became my spiritual adopted family. However, when God called me to attend XN that is where I found my real spiritual family. I found a people group who flowed in the gifts of The Spirit unapologetically! I rediscovered purpose, & I was moved with compassion for souls. At XNBC, I began to hear my heart beat inside of the men & women on the mission field, where I long to be some day. XNBC challenged my thinking and allowed me to take off religious goggles. A place where titles did not matter but service does. The environment made me want to serve. I appreciate all the servant leaders that have impacted my life throughout my years of attending. When God said go to XN, it wasn’t only for a degree but spiritual growth, for unlocking gifts & callings that were lying dormant inside me. Through it all I knew I had to finish what I started, even when life was kicking my butt & I had every excuse to quit. I stayed & came early to class, worshiped & helped with set up & put God first. That is how I learned to count it all joy. When I needed support, I had my teachers who would come in agreement with me in prayer! There is a grace we could pull on so we didn’t have to do in our own strength. Through it all, I made it across the graduation stage four years in a row! On my last year, I had Philippians 4:13 written across my cap! It was by the grace of God that I made it! I finished what I started, to God be the glory!"
—Tamika Giles