modern day pioneers.

Dr. Russ & Judi Jo Adams, are what some might call modern day pioneers. From international missions and humanitarian projects around the world, to a lifetime of planting Bible colleges, to leading the way in community business - they have been innovative in everything they’ve done.

They have always carried the vision to Train Leaders to Impact Nations all over the world. It’s not just a catchy phrase, it's the life and breath of who they are.

When God brought them back to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in 2007, he empowered them in a new way that would allow them to live out their vision of empowering others like never before. With the launch of Xplore Nations Bible College over 16 years ago, Starting in the heart of Egypt, that has led to over 40 campuses and growing with more than 1500 students in the Middle East, United States, Central America, Africa, South Pacific, Asia, and Europe.

In 2015 they purchased the Glass Chapel Wedding Venue, it has become one of the top venues in the area. In 2017 another layer was added to the plan of God and it all started to come together. Church at Glass Chapel began. Russ and Judi Jo Adams have poured their hearts into the Church and the people they are called to empower. They count it an honor to serve the local church and all around the world, along with their two sons, Wesley and Evan, and their Boxer dog, Buddy.

Their vision to empower people for life, that is and always will be the lifeblood of who they are. Adding a church and family to what they already founded and oversee has been the icing on the cake.

In June of 2024 Dr. Russ Adams was honored with a new position of Distinguished Founder after given a rare form of Dementia (FTD) diagnosis. Thank you to everyone who continues praying & fighting with us on his health journey. Senior Pastor JudiJo faithfully continues to actively lead as Founder of Xplore Nations Bible College, along with the XNBC Board of Directors.